
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Currently reading...

Hey guys! I'm doing a little post to tell you about what I'm currently reading! And that is... Gone Girl! Of course I had to see what the hype was all about. I saw the movie not long ago and loved it! So I picked the book up at Target, and I've had a hard time putting it down since! It is definitely an addicting read. 
So far I'm almost halfway done the book, so when I do finish reading, I'm going to post a book review post! Along with my thoughts about the movie. So look for that very soon!

Have any of you guys read/seen Gone Girl?? If you have, leave me your thoughts in the comments!!

Thanks loves!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello December!

Hey loves! Happy December! This is one of my favorite months and I'm so excited for the holidays! Here are some of my favorite things about the holiday season :)

Hot chocolate
Christmas movies
Fuzzy blankets and socks
Family parties
Christmas lights and decorations
Cheerful people
Candy canes
Wrapping presents

 I hope everyone is as excited as I am about December, and lets all make this month a good one!

That's all for me for now, more new posts coming soon!
Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Update: What I've been up to

Hey guys! Ahh long time no post! I want to apologize for unexpectedly going MIA this past week. I got pretty busy all of a sudden and hadn't much time to write up a good post or take any photos for my blog! So, realizing that I need to get on a better schedule with posting and such, I'm going to sit myself down and come up with a good blog schedule!
Now for the updates! I last left off right before Halloween, so I'll fill you guys in on what I've been up to since.
I had a blast on Halloween! My boyfriend, Josh, and I dressed up as bank robbers which was so fun! We had a good time putting the costumes together. Check out the picture below:

With Halloween and October ending, I had to take down all of my Halloween decorations which was a little sad because I loved having them up! But November is here and I have new fall decorations up for the month! So check out my next post which is going up right after this one to check them out!! 

Thats gonna be it for this one guys! 
Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Goals Update: Taking Walks & Exporing

Hello everybody! I've completed another goal from my October Goals List! With October ending in a few days, I have decided that I will have to finish half of the goals next month. As this was my first month blogging, I'm learning a lot about the time and effort each post requires. I think I took on too big of a task to complete by creating 10 goals for the month. I want to have time to do other posts as well, not just goals updates. So with that being said, I'll finish out this month with 5 completed goals, and then complete the next 5 in November. I still really love the idea of doing a goals segment here on my blog, I think it is a great way to share experiences and to improve as well as accomplishing things I've always wanted to accomplish. 

Okay! Now that thats all cleared up lets move on to the goal! So this is something that I've been wanting to do for a while, but for some reason I never get my feet moving to go do it. I used to take walks as a kid with my dad all the time. It was something that we both extremely enjoyed. It was a great time to spend together, and it was always an adventure. & I love a good adventure. 
Walking refreshes my mind and inspires me. Not to mention its great for the body as well. I remember hearing a saying a while back that has stuck with me, something along the lines of "if you're ever having a creative block, go take a walk". I completely agree with this piece of advice. You see so many things during a walk and that can lead to some wonderful inspiration. 
I think it's also very true that you think you know your neighborhood until you go on a walk. So many times have I driven through my neighborhood and I see the same things. But with a walk you see new things and get a new perspective. 
Perspective is so important in life. I think for a person to truly grow and live fully they need to have multiple perspectives. Even if you are just getting a new perspective by taking a walk! You are still learning and seeing and experiencing new things. 

Recently the sunsets here in Maryland have been insanely beautiful, and I love nothing more than a colorful and magical sunset. The trees have also been changing for fall, so it's been a kaleidoscope of nature's colors outside this past month :)
Take a look at the photos I took, as well as a time lapse video I took, while exploring around my neighborhood below!

I hope this post inspires you to go out at take a walk, or get a new perspective of some sort. If you're in a rut, or feeling sad, or uninspired a quick fix is taking a walk. 
I want you guys to go out for a walk or go explore a new place & see how you feel after! And adventure is a foot step away, so go find it!!
Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bloody Halloween Nails!

Hey guys! I have a fun little post here for you, it's going to be a how-to on Halloween nails! I'm excited to share this with you, its a super fun, cute way to paint your nails for Halloween & it's really easy! So check out the steps below to learn how to achieve some bloody nails!

What you'll need:
-Red nail polish
-Base & top coat nail polish
-Black nail polish

So of course the first step is to manicure your nails the way you like, get them all prepped and ready to be painted.

After your nails are prepped, paint on a base coat. A base coat is important because it really helps prevent your nails from chipping & being stained.

Once you let the base coat dry, paint your first coat of black. 
I'm choosing to alternate the colors, but you can do whatever style you want! With such funky & creepy nail art, you can be as creative as you want! 

While the first coat of black is drying, you can start on the blood drips! Now this part is actually a lot easier than it looks. 
First, take your red polish and line a heavy coat along the tip of your nail (like you're trying to go for a french manicure look!). You want this to be heavy with a good bit of nail polish because we will be dragging it down later. 

Now, this part is important to do in a timely manner. We don't want the red to dry before we get the chance to turn it into blood drips. 
So, take a tooth pick and drag it down in lines. You'll have to work with it a little to get it how you want it to look (but not too much, or the polish will start to get too gooey). 
I stayed with 3-4 lines on each nail, since thats all there is room for. 

The more nail polish, the easier it is to work with, but you will want to choose a red nail polish that dries quickly, or else you'll be waiting forever for it to dry since it's so thick. 

You should get the hang of it pretty easily, so once you're ready, move on to the rest of your nails. 

After you're done with the red, go back and do your final black coat & finish with a clear top coat!
Be careful with the top coat on the red nails, it very easily smears the red, try not to do more than one swipe with the clear coat or it will drag red with it! 

And there you have the final look! A cute but creepy nail design perfect for Halloween! 
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, if you decide to try this out I would love to see it so send me your pictures!!
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Liebster Award

So I was nominated by Leanne, The Dress Diaries, for the Liebster Award! Huge thank you to her, I think this is a great way to find new blogs and it really brings the blogging community together, & I'm so glad to be apart of it! 


> Answer the questions that are sent to you
> Nominate 10 bloggers who have under 200 followers on twitter
> Ask them 12 questions of your own
> Notify them that they've been nominated

Here are Leanne's questions for me:

1.What's your all time favourite book?
I can't say that I have an all time favorite! But, one of my favorites would be On The Road by Jack Kerouac. That book just gives me a lot of inspiration. One of my favorite quotes is from that book- 

2. Do you live for the weekend?
I wish I did but I work most weekends, so sadly, no. 

3. What's your favourite hair accessory or product?
I have long messy hair, & the Macadamia Healing Oil Spray is a life savor. 

4. What is your favourite meal of the day?
I love breakfast!

5. Describe your perfect night in.
My perfect night in would be ordering in food, watching a funny movie, and snuggling with my boyfriend :)

6. Would you rather wear one colour for the rest of your life or have to wear the same pair of shoes with every outfit?
This is actually really tough! But, I would rather wear one color for the rest of my life... hopefully I could choose the color? Haha

7. What's your favourite hairstyle?
I love good messy curls. 

8. Do you use Pinterest?
Of course! Check it out here ;)

9. Are you looking forward to Christmas? Why?
YES! I love Christmas so much. The colors, and the lights, and the happy people. I love shopping for gifts. It's just a genuinely happy time. 

10. Will you be making any New Year's Resolutions?
I plan to! Haven't thought too much about what they will be. I think I'll have to wait and see where I am in 2 months to see how I want to improve.

11. What's your favourite color?

I'm obsessed with mint, you should really see my room. The color is everywhere... literally. 

12. Do you have any secrets?
No such thing as a girl without secrets ;) 

Here are my questions:
1. When did you start your blog? What inspired you to start it?
2. What is your social media of choice?
3. If you had to choose only 5 makeup products to use for a year, what would they be?
4. What's your favorite holiday? 
5. Best makeup tip you know?
6. You have an entire day free to yourself, what do you do?
7. Who is your fashion idol?
8. Favorite nail polish brand?
9. Describe your style in 3 words.
10. What is the last song you listened to?
11. Who are your top 3 favorite blogs?
12. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I nominate...
... and anyone else who would like to be apart of this!

I had a lot of fun doing this post! Again, a nice thank you to Leanne for nominating me! Go check out her post about the Liebster Award here
So that's it for me! I can't wait to read the answers from the ladies I've nominated! 
Thanks for reading!! 


Monday, October 20, 2014

Goals Update: Morning Yoga☀

Hello loves! I've completed a new goal, and that is doing morning yoga! I'm trying to keep up with my goals since the month is just going by so quickly! So that's why I've been posting on such a random schedule. I'll figure this out more as I go and I'm sure I'll have a more regulated schedule once I get some more experience blogging :) 
So let's get started with this yoga post! 
I've loved yoga for a while now. I probably started doing yoga for the first time in 2010. I used to attend a yoga class 2 times a week, but unfortunately stopped that. Since, I haven't kept a regular routine which is something I'd really like to change. So that's why I made this a goal for October! Below is my experience with morning yoga, health benefits, and my plan to start a regular schedule :)

My early morning yoga experience:
So, I am not the early morning riser type. I often (more like everyday..) find myself hitting the snooze button to get as much sleep as I possibly can in the morning. I already have enough to do to get ready for the day, so I couldn't imagine fitting a yoga sesh in as well! But I found the time to do it, and I loved it!
Getting up for yoga was super rejuvenating. Stretching out first thing in the morning really woke me up, and made me feel better through out the day. Now, I'm no expert at yoga so I just looked up some basic yoga routines and then came up with my own. I do want to improve so once I get more flexible I'll definitely look into more difficult routines to try. Overall I loved starting my day out with a yoga session. I felt better and more awake through out the whole day compared to days that I don't do yoga. 

Benefits of yoga: 
Yoga is great for increasing flexibility & strength. Stretching your muscles out is a perfect way to start the morning. After laying in bed all night, our muscles tend to get stiff, so getting up and stretching them out allows for more flexibility and helps us feel less tired (something I think anyone would want!). Stretching increases blood circulation in our bodies, which then increases our energy levels. 
I think a lot of people would be surprised at how strong you can get from yoga! Over time building your endurance with different poses can really tone and strengthen your muscles. For example, planking is common in yoga and is a pose that really builds your upper body strength as well as your core abdominal strength. 
After all this stretching and strength building, your posture also improves! Most yoga poses improve core strength which means your more likely to sit straight and stand tall. This is a big benefit for me. My posture is something I really need to improve, and its something that I find difficult to do. So having it be a benefit from doing yoga is a major plus! 
Yoga also helps a great deal with relieving stress. Yoga calms the mind, improves your breathing, and helps you relax and de-stress. By relieving stress, you are also decreasing your risk of illnesses like heart disease, and cardiovascular disease. So that's a win-win... win situation. 

Starting a regular yoga schedule
Doing yoga made me realize how much I really enjoy it! It is a fun way to work out, and it provides many benefits. I don't exercise like I should, so I think yoga is a good place to start. It's not too demanding, and I think it is a great way to start stretching and toning your muscles, so you can work up to more intense work outs. I plan to start making yoga part of my everyday routine. Even if its just for 10 minutes, I'm going to try to incorporate it into my everyday life. I would also love to start a yoga class again so that I can learn more about yoga, and improve at it. 

Fitness is really important, and is something we can all do to improve our health. It doesn't matter where you start in fitness and exercise, just as long as you do start somewhere. If you're like me, and are not a huge fan of intensive work outs, I think yoga would be a perfect place to start! 

Well that does it for this post! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it, and were able to take away something from this! If any of you have any tips for me or thoughts about this post, leave a comment below! I'd love to hear your opinions!!
Thank you so much for reading!
